Just a quick tutorial - it’s a rather dirty one compared to what I’m doing at Mac OS X Screencasts. I was thinking about a way to select a part of a beat, of many loops, randomly without changing order. Everything I tried in Ableton Live failed. So I came up with another idea in Logic.
Randomly Picking Loop Parts Without Changing Order
The trick is pretty easy. Slice a loop, create a new Sampler track out of them. Then go to the Environment, create a Transformer and set it up like this:
- Every Status equals Note
- Change Channel randomly to a number between 1 and number-of-loops
Every note Transformer changes is afterwards either channel 1 or something between 1-and-number-of-loops. Therefore a channel splitter can now be used to send notes to any new Sampler instance. Just cable them up and once done press play.
Have fun with this technique. I do. *glitch* *glitch*